Monday, December 16, 2013


Help! SOS!

    I am Miss Crystal, creator of this blog, Enchanting Stardoll. It was created to show you the ins and outs of Stardoll. I will post, at latest, weekly, on fashion for starcoins and stardollars. I am hoping to find a few helpful people, willing to help out. Here are the positions available:

-graphic-creators (2)

-interviewers (3)

-managers (2)


    I will update these when I have all the applications. If you are applying in the comments below, please state your username on Stardoll. You will also need to put down the position you are applying for, and if possible, work experience. (Your chances do not improve even if you send in a work experience when others do not; I care about earning the job fair and square) I will tell you whether I decided to pay each of you at the end of a month. Thanks. :)


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